Amplify Horse Racing welcomes new mentors to apply at any time to bolster our horse programs for youth!
Mentors can fill out an interest form at any time of the year, but will only be paired with a mentee when the right match comes along. Mentorships take place in the spring (March-May) and in the fall (August-October). Mentors will only be asked to volunteer for one of these sessions each year.
Must demonstrate substantial and relevant experience in the Thoroughbred horse industry or an applied field in order to qualify as a mentor.
No criminal record
Must be willing to undergo a background check and share a copy of their driver's license
Ability to dedicate ~eight hours to in-person or virtual meetings with a mentee
Mentors can apply at any time throughout the year, but will only be paired with a mentee when the right match comes along.
Mentors will only be asked to volunteer for one mentorship session per year (spring or fall).
Questions about these requirements? Contact us.
To be considered as a mentor, please complete the Mentor Interest Form at the bottom of the page.
In total, Amplify Horse Racing estimates that the program will require a minimum of 8 hours from mentors over the course of 3 months:
Complete initial mentor application (30 minutes)
Complete background check and share drivers license with program coordinator (15 minutes) – Once these first two steps are completed, documents are valid for 3 years
Read, watch, and complete mentor onboarding materials provided upon being paired with a mentee (2 hours)
Mentor/mentee introduction by Amplify Horse Racing over Zoom (30 minutes)
Schedule a minimum* of three 1-hour meetings with your mentee, and communicate with mentee between meetings (4 hours)
Complete final feedback survey after the third month (30 minutes)
Optional: End-of-year networking event in Kentucky (4 hours)
*Additional communication with your mentee between meetings is encouraged – there is no limit to the number of meetings you can schedule! On average, most mentors meet with their mentees either virtually or in person two or more times per month. This should be determined between you and your mentee, based on your schedule and availability. Mentors may also assign their mentees additional learning or reading assignments that complement meeting topics.
What if I’m too busy at the moment? – Mentors can request on their application whether they prefer to mentor in the spring or fall (or no preference).
What if I only want to meet virtually/in person? – Mentors can request if they have a preference.
Where should I meet with my mentee? – Amplify will provide a comprehensive list of meeting locations and virtual platforms. Most mentees would love to attend an industry event with you, or even job shadow you at your place of work!
Can my mentee work for me? Amplify’s insurance policy covers the program as a conversational and observation-based learning experience. Mentors who hire their mentees to intern or work for them automatically assume the liability of a working experience.
Please complete the form in one sitting–it will not save for continued editing.

"One of the best things about mentorships is that the mentors and mentees can both get a lot out of the experience. For the mentee, it is about guidance and connections that will further their careers. The mentor gets fresh perspectives on the industry and a tremendous amount of fulfillment when their mentee succeeds."
-Jordyn Egan, Executive Director of the Thoroughbred Owners of California, Amplify Mentor and Board Member